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Report: Getting gluten free food in Korea

Published 1 April, 2009

I'm always really chuffed when website visitors take the time to help others by sending in their stories of travelling as coeliacs. Getting gluten free food when you're on vacation or holidaying abroad is one thing that can make or break your trip.

Yesterday, I got an email from Ed Fisher who spent a year in South Korea with his coeliac girlfriend, and as you can imagine, they gathered quite a bit of experience about how and where to find gluten free food.

Ed's full report is here: Living gluten free in South Korea

If you're reading this and you live somewhere that people like to go on vacation, perhaps you could consider writing something for coeliac visitors and sending it in. It doesn't have to be as long as Ed's, but you know every little helps when you're trying to have a 'normal' holiday! :)

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