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So easy dairy free rice pudding recipe
Published 20 August, 2008
TweetDairy free gluten free wifie is a bit of a fan of the rice pudding, but since the dairy intolerance was diagnosed, we've not been able to make a properly creamy one.
However, a moment of inspiration in the supermarket the other day led to this tasty little number, that does everything a real rice pudding should do, and perhaps a little more...
Dairy free rice pudding recipe
500ml gluten free soya custard (we used the Alpro carton)
500 ml gluten free rice milk (we used the purple Provamel)
Large handful sultanas
Good grating nutmeg
110g pudding rice
Mix the rice milk and custard well in a bowl. Put the pudding rice in an oven dish and pour over the milk/custard mix. Add the sultanas and grate over the nutmeg. Put in a 150C oven for about an hour and a half, or until you have a nice brown skin on the top. Dairy free rice pudding heaven.
We took ours camping, had it for pudding, then the kids had it for breakfast the next morning. Yes I know, sugary and unsustaining, but heck we were on holiday! :)