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Lamb heart stew
Published 16 January, 2010
TweetGet about 1 kg of hearts (so you can freeze some), cut out the ventricles by cutting round inside the top of the heart with scissors. Leave the fat on.
Cut the hearts in half lengthways, then in half again. Get a pan with some lard nice and hot and brown the heart pieces quickly. Put the browned pieces into a slow cooker or casserole. Then cook off a chopped onion and 2 garlic cloves in the same pan, taking care not to brown them too much.
Add to your pot then deglaze your pan into the pot too. Put in a big bunch of sage (probably around 15 large leaves) and a hefty clump of thyme (lemon thyme if you can get it). About half a Tesco's packet.Add generous grind of black pepper. Just cover with water and cook on the lowest temp for about 3 hours. If you couldn't get lemon thyme, put half a lemon's worth of rind in half an hour before the end.
When cooked, pour of the juice, reduce in a pan, then season with salt to taste. Thicken if required. Add back to the meat.