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Moreish roast sweet potato recipe

Published 8 August, 2007

I've always been in 2 minds about sweet potatoes. On one hand, the nuttiness is nice and they're very nutritious. On the other, sweet potatoes, no matter how you cook them, can be wet, the texture uninspiring and sometimes, they're just too, well, sweet!

So I set out to solve the 2 main problems - the wetness and the sweetness. And I think we may have a solution.

Moreish sweet potato recipe

1) Take as many sweet potatoes as you want, peeled (or not if you prefer) and cut into approx 1-inch cubes
2) Grind some salt over them
3) Sprinkle some dried herbs over them -I used basil - not too much, just enough to give a hint of 'something else' to the flavour
4) Put them in a 190C oven for half an hour, turning halfway
5) Turn the oven down to 150C, take the sweet potatoes out again and turn them, letting the heat escape from the oven
6) Put them back in for 10-15 minutes
7) Squeeze fresh lemon juice over them
8) Put them back in the oven for 5 minutes

This gives you chewy, dry, caramelised exterior sweet potatoes with a hint of sharpness from the lemon. The gluten free wifie and I were fighting over the last one. Of course I gave it to her because I am the perfect gentleman. Not. ;)

Sweet potatoes are quite a staple for me, so if you know any particularly tasty recipes, do let me know!

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