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Gluten Free Mincemeat Recipe - Spicy Carrot and Sherry Gluten Free Mince Meat PLUS Gluten Free Suet

Published 28 November, 2006

It's coming up to the festive season and now's a good time to make some gluten free mince meat, ready to make mince pies, or stuff big bramley apples ready to be baked in the oven or microwave.

Gluten Free Mincemeat - Spicy Carrot and Sherry
225g cooking apples (bramley), peeled and cored and finely grated
100g carrots, peeled and finely grated
450g sultannas
225g currants
grated rind and juice of 1 orange
100g of shredded gluten free suet - recipe below
100g demerara sugar
4 tbsp sherry
1 tsp grated nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground allspice

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Put into clean jars, and leave to mature for at least 2 weeks.

Top gluten free tip - Gluten Free Suet Recipe

Ready made gluten free suet is difficult to track down, so if you're stuck, you can make your own. Take 2 parts solid vegetable fat to 1 part gluten free flour e.g. 100g of fat to 50g of flour. Put the fat and flour in a blender, and blitz for a few minutes until it is combined. Put the mixture back in the fridge and allow to cool, then use.

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