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Dover sole, spring greens & leeks - gluten free recipe

Published 11 September, 2006

After last night's spring green extravanganza, we had fields of the stuff left so it's greens again.

The Dover Sole
Sole is a fantastic flatfish - loads of flavour and much meatier and flakier than your average bottom-swimmer. Cooking it is dead easy - just season and spray with a little olive oil. Then grill for 2-3 minutes each side, depending on the thickness. The fish should crisp and brown a little under the oil.

The Spring Greens

Slice the greens into 1cm strips, boil for 4-5 mins with 3 cloves garlic. Drain and mash the garlic and fry in olive oil, adding the greens 15 secs or so after. Fry for 3-4 mins then season with salt and pepper.

The leeks
Slice the white part of the leeks lengthways into thin strips and fry gently in olive oil for about 15 minutes, letting them brown slightly. They should be sweet and slightly - er... browned-tasting.

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