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Avocado and grape salad

Published 28 February, 2007

Howdy peeps, this is my first blog so bare with me!

I've fairly recently discovered I have a few (!) food intolerance's so have joined the food freak club. Which I have been very warmly welcomed in to (i don't know what I'd have done with out the Gluten free food freak and his lovely wife!)

Any way on to the important stuff... food!

I didn't have enough time to make a packed lunch yesterday morning but lucky work is fairly close to home so I whizzed back and manged to cobble together a surprisingly tasty salad.

Bunch of mixed salad leave
Handful of fresh herbs of your choice
Handful of grapes, chopped
Handful of almonds, chopped or flaked
2 tbs Apro soya yog (or dairy if allowed)
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper

Chop the avocado and cover in the lemon juice then mix all the rest in a mix bowl and serve. I had this with some corn crackers and home made humus (not the best humus but getting there, its difficult without the tahini and garlic!)

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